Why subscribe?
You have some money you want to use to support someone who makes something you actively enjoy.
Who am I?
Cody Stetzel (He/They) is a writer, bear lover, engineer, environmentalist, parkour enthusiast, 5x world champion of Tribal Wars, and otherwise trying live a life that feels most authentic to their dreams and desires.
How you can support non-monetarily?
Learn about bear management, human-bear-conflict, and the overarching collaborative efforts between community organization and ecological restoration.
Start a community garden! Learn local flora patterns. I’ve had luck with vegetal and herbal gardens.
Volunteer your time in writing with inmates. There are many wonderful writing programs set-up already for you to support with clear and elaborate instructions on how to begin.

Subscribe to Riantly, or with Laughter
He/they. Lewd, quiet, and considering. Works on poetry, translations, music, physics, and most things gay. Bear scholar and friend. Contributing writer for Tupelo Quarterly, Salamander Mag, Colorado Review, Poetry NW, and more.